Elizabeth Wilson

Stories 7
Chapters 4,267
Words 83.6 K
Comments 0
Reading 6 hours, 58 minutes6 h, 58 m
  • Chapter 37 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson You skip to class, because skipping makes your dress go floosh floosh with every step and it feels good. Lots of mortals laugh when they see you skipping, and some of the girls clutch their hands together and make little cooing sounds before they try to pat you. Obviously, skipping does something to the brains of mortals, but it’s a good thing because it leads to patting. Abigail, of course, isn’t far behind you. She has a big book tucked up against her chest and is walking with a bit of a skip in her…
  • Chapter 36 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson You wake up a bit earlier than you thought you would. It doesn’t take much effort to figure out why. Abigail is tucked up against you, using your tummy as a pillow. Usually you’re the one using Abigail as a pillow, but sometimes things move around while naps are happening and this isn’t so bad. Your tummy is a very good pillow after all. Still, you didn’t wake up just because of that. Abigail is mumbling in her sleep, indistinct words that you can’t quite make out that tickle you with each…
  • Chapter 35 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson Abigail is acting strange. More strange than usual, that is. After leaving Charlotte at the school gates her mood went from sorta-normal to... whatever it is now. You can’t help but look up to her and try to see what’s wrong. She’s walking with her head low, lips occasionally moving and eyes scanning something that isn’t there. Her hand keeps squeezing really hard then letting go, and you can tell that she’s shivering a little even though it’s not that cold. “What’s wrong?” you ask her…
  • Chapter 34 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson Abigail is very silent as you move through the school. “Do you want to talk about it?” Charlotte asks with the tone of someone that most emphatically does not want to talk about it. “No, no it’s okay,” Abigail says. “It’s just..” her free hand, the one you’re not holding onto, wiggles in the air. You’re not sure what that’s supposed to mean, or if it even means anything. “You’re feeling betrayed?” Charlotte guesses. “A little, yeah. Daphne... I didn’t know she was that…
  • Chapter 33 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson “It says the Gardening Club is near here,” Charlotte says as she holds up a little map. There are grey squares that you guess are buildings and little black lines for the paths around the school. A bunch of those buildings have numbers on them that Charlotte keeps comparing to a legend. The one you’re moving towards it at the far end of the Academy, on the opposite end of the big hill the school is on. The Gardening Club, as it turns out, is housed in a big greenhouse, the building made of a pretty…
  • Chapter 32 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson You tug at Abigail’s sleeve. “I think that while that boy might be okay, and Wuffles is nice, we should spend more time with New Friend Charlotte first. She’s already a friend so she’s more important than some boy.” “Hey!” Everette says. “I, um, I think Dreamer is right. No-not that you’re bad or anything, Mister Everette,” Abigail says, her arms waving around in negation. “It’s just that I don’t think we can really help you much with your problem.” “But I just have a few…
  • Chapter 31 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson Class ends when Professor Clearwater is interrupted by a loud ringing bell. The professor smiles as she turns away from a blackboard covered in notes and things. “I won’t be holding anyone back during our first day together. Go on, have a good evening!” You help Abigail by stuffing her things away in one of your dresses and then push your chair back behind your desk. “No homework tonight,” Charlotte says and she sounds disappointed. “Did you think of joining any clubs yet, Abigail?” “Ah,…
  • Chapter 30 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson The class Abigail leads you to is a few corridors down from the cafeteria, which Abigail seems to think is a good thing, even if that means missing out on the opportunity to make friends. Still, if she wants to be all dutiful and get to Professor Clearwater’s class early, then that’s fine by you. You’re the first ones there except for the professor. The woman looks up as you enter and gestures at all of the desks laid out in neat rows with a pen. “Pick any seat,” she says before returning to…
  • Chapter 29 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson “Um.” She frets a bit to the left, then a bit more to the right. “Ah.” Watching Abigail move around nervously on her seat is kind of funny, in the same way as watching a tentacle having a hard time opening a jar is amusing for a few moments. It quickly stops being funny when Abigail turns big, brown eyes onto you and practically begs for help. “What’s wrong?” you ask. Just to make sure, you take a look around the cafeteria. It’s a rather large room, with rows and rows of rectangular…
  • Chapter 28 — Love Crafted Cover
    by Elizabeth Wilson “Dreamer, you can’t...” Abigail sighed and pressed her face into her hands. You shuffle a little and look back into the corridor you two just exited. You can still hear the boy with the pet wolf protesting at the old lady with increasing desperation, and Wuffles’ whine can be heard quite clearly over even that. “Okay,” you tell Abigail. “I’m going to fix everything.” With that, you slip your hand out of Abigail’s and move back into the corridor, then into room two. The shouting stops…